Office Address
3815 N Glade Rd, Pasco, WA 99301, United States
1 (509) 545 6940
Here are some frequently asked questions we receive. If you have more questions, see all frequent questions below, or contact us.
View All FAQ'sC&E does do demo work on a case by case basis. Feel free to send us a request for a quote or give us a call to see if we are a good fit for your project.
We actively search out work in about a 1-hour radius from Pasco. It is very important to us that our team be able to be home most nights with their families. On occasion, for a long-term customer or for one of our specialized services, we will go beyond this radius. An example would be to install a perimeter wire for a center pivot irrigation system.
Unfortunately, No. Our equipment is too large for most yards. We would refer you to a landscape company for that kind of work.
3815 N Glade Rd, Pasco, WA 99301, United States
1 (509) 545 6940