Office Address
3815 N Glade Rd, Pasco, WA 99301, United States
1 (509) 545 6940
Here are some frequently asked questions we receive. If you have more questions, see all frequent questions below, or contact us.
View All FAQ'sWe accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We would also consider letting you do the dishes! (Just kidding!)
Most issues with alarms that are malfunctioning require an electrician to repair, therefore we don’t offer alarm troubleshooting.
There are some things you can check before calling an electrician:
Unfortunately, No. Our equipment is too large for most yards. We would refer you to a landscape company for that kind of work.
3815 N Glade Rd, Pasco, WA 99301, United States
1 (509) 545 6940