Office Address
3815 N Glade Rd, Pasco, WA 99301, United States
1 (509) 545 6940
Here are some frequently asked questions we receive. If you have more questions, see all frequent questions below, or contact us.
View All FAQ'sWe do, on occasion, remove orchards of large size. For residential tree removal, please call a tree company like Superior Tree.
C&E does do demo work on a case by case basis. Feel free to send us a request for a quote or give us a call to see if we are a good fit for your project.
We actively search out work in about a 1-hour radius from Pasco. It is very important to us that our team be able to be home most nights with their families. On occasion, for a long-term customer or for one of our specialized services, we will go beyond this radius. An example would be to install a perimeter wire for a center pivot irrigation system.
3815 N Glade Rd, Pasco, WA 99301, United States
1 (509) 545 6940